Saturday, January 25, 2014

Hop Scotch and Skip Rope with Me back to the Future:

Bear with me while I do a little jump rope or Hop Scotch to present time for this post.

A large part of why I am telling you or maybe reminding you how things used to be while I was growing up is to point out how much our society has changed over the years.  I am frustrated with the way things are today.  I don’t think I am alone.   

I’m frustrated with our government and a handful of special interest groups telling me (all of us) how we are supposed to conform to specific standards set by them.  I don’t know about you but I don’t intend to become a robot or a leashed dog that is under constant scrutiny, domination and command. Granted we do need laws, rules and regulations, but not when they interfere with our personal freedom of choice: What to eat, what to wear, what to drive, what to own, what not to own, what religious freedoms are alright and which are not, which political choices are alright and which are not.

Every morning I wake up and wonder what new law has been passed that will govern my own personal freedom.   I feel like someone has invented a new electronic game and I am one of the avatars being remotely moved around by some unseen hand.  Just this week I learned that a new law is about to be passed that will ban plastic grocery bags.  The powers that be are giving me three alternatives:
1.       Pay 25 cents for a paper bag. (Really? we are back to killing trees. I thought that is why we went to plastic bags in the first place.  Wasn’t there some sort of “Save the Trees Movement?
2.       Pay 15 cents for a “reusable paper bag with handles”   Yegads! Those poor trees best make a run for it they are doomed! And how often can a “reusable bag with handles” be used before the handles fall off and they disintegrate?
3.       Bring my own reusable cloth bag.  Ok so I’m  supposed to be conserving by bringing my own cloth bags.  Won’t they get dirty and full of germs from all that stuff being tossed into them?  Won’t I have to use more water and soap to wash them?  How am I conserving?

The foods people are forced to buy in stores are:
                Fat free, cholesterol free, gluten free, salt free, sugar free, preservative free, and who knows what else they are taking out of our food sources.  Which makes me ask what are they putting into our food source? 

                Everything we do is monitored and I am really frustrated, exasperated, annoyed, aggravated and upset.  They are telling me that the “majority” of people are in favor of all the changes. Really?  No one trying to control my life has asked me for my opinion..has anyone asked you ?  Most everyone I’ve talked to feels the same as I do. They are all fed up too!
It is Time to Make A Stand!

If you are among the majority that is tired of being labeled as being in the minority, then I believe it is time to make a stand.

                If you are tired of being labeled a terrorist because you support the 2nd amendment of the Constitution, and believe Americans have the right to own guns;
                If you are tired of being called a hate- monger because you believe in God, The 10 commandments, and the Golden Rule of Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.
                If you are tired of being told you are a health threat because you like donuts with your coffee, drink sodas or enjoy fast food;
                If you are tired of being told you can’t use plastic bags because doing so will annihilate our planet;
 If you are tired of having to watch every word because you might offend someone;
                If you are tired of the government forcing you to buy “affordable” health insurance;
                If you are tired of being told you can’t display symbols of your religion in public;
                If you are tired of being told our American flag is offensive to some;       
                If you are tired of being told our National Anthem is offensive to some.
                If you are tired of being told that saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America, or praying in public, or reading your Bible in public is offensive to the "majority"
                If you are just plain tired of having your freedoms taken away one by one;
Then let’s make a stand.  Let’s tie a white ribbon to our vehicles, porches, mail boxes or trees.
Lets stand up and be counted.  There are more of us than we are led to believe by mainstream media.
                Before you ask if white is the symbol of surrender or defeat. The answer is yes in these modern times it is.  However, it has long been the symbol of peace, renewal, rebirth, purity, faith, and hope.  Egyptians wrapped their mummies in white as a sign of rebirth.  White is the color of promise and unity.

 Let’s stand up and be counted.  Tweet, text, Facebook, and share this idea nation-wide. We, the everyday citizens of this once great country, are not represented or counted, let’s change that!  Encourage everyone to fly a white ribbon so our numbers will shine! Our Forefathers left oppressive rulers to establish a nation where people could be free from tyranny and oppression. Real Freedom isn’t free if it is defined by others.

If I Could Rember I Wouldn't Forget.

Getting Older..Sometimes I think there is a crazy old person in my house...then I realize it is just me!

Some of you may have noticed I have been absent from my blog for a couple of months, but probably not.  Anyway there are a couple of reasons for my absence… more than a couple really, but only a couple that count.

First of all this thing about Growing up me means that I am no longer a little child  and with that comes some temporary mind stalls.  To put it bluntly I forgot my password to get into this blog... and the key information to recover it.  

I hear you asking: “Well didn’t you write it down and put it in a secure place so you could find it if something like this ever happened?”  Of course I did… but then I couldn’t remember which one of my multiple secure places I put it in, or for that matter where those secure places are.

 But the real reason I haven’t posted lately is that my husband underwent his third surgery in three years, and I’ve been taking care of him and running our ranch by myself, so there just hasn't been any free time, and what little free time I did have,  I spent it looking for the secure place where I hid my password for this blog.

Oh, and to make further lame excuses ... There was also the fun distraction of Thanksgiving and Christmas thrown in there too.

I’m pretty sure all that is behind me now and my intent is to get back to my story.