Saturday, January 25, 2014

If I Could Rember I Wouldn't Forget.

Getting Older..Sometimes I think there is a crazy old person in my house...then I realize it is just me!

Some of you may have noticed I have been absent from my blog for a couple of months, but probably not.  Anyway there are a couple of reasons for my absence… more than a couple really, but only a couple that count.

First of all this thing about Growing up me means that I am no longer a little child  and with that comes some temporary mind stalls.  To put it bluntly I forgot my password to get into this blog... and the key information to recover it.  

I hear you asking: “Well didn’t you write it down and put it in a secure place so you could find it if something like this ever happened?”  Of course I did… but then I couldn’t remember which one of my multiple secure places I put it in, or for that matter where those secure places are.

 But the real reason I haven’t posted lately is that my husband underwent his third surgery in three years, and I’ve been taking care of him and running our ranch by myself, so there just hasn't been any free time, and what little free time I did have,  I spent it looking for the secure place where I hid my password for this blog.

Oh, and to make further lame excuses ... There was also the fun distraction of Thanksgiving and Christmas thrown in there too.

I’m pretty sure all that is behind me now and my intent is to get back to my story.

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